The Center of Vision
Michael Bianchi
FOVEAL SYSTEMS LLC is owned and operated by Michael Bianchi in Madison, New Jersey. It began operations in the fall of 1999.
Foveal develops and sells the AutoAuditoriumTM System, a fully automatic, multi-camera system for televising auditorium presentations, which grew out of Bianchi's research at Telcordia Technologies, Inc. (nee Bellcore). Recording and broadcasting auditorium presentations promoted collaboration between Bellcore and its owners, the former Bell System operating companies.
Foveal also sells Foveal Camera Mounts, designed and built by him and Barry Vaning of B & B Model Shop Services.
Prior to working in the Applied Research division of Telcordia, Bianchi was at Western Electric, Bell Laboratories, and AT&T Information Systems, developing software management systems and operations support systems. He was one of the earliest users of the UNIX Programmer's Workbench and a proponent of the "software tools" approach to program development.
One of his personal interests is electric vehicles. Although he now owns a 2008 Prius, his day-to-day automobile for over 10 years was a Solectria Force and he was often the announcer and reporter for the Northeast Sustainable Energy Association's annual American Tour de Sol Electric Vehicle Challenge from 1995 until 2009. The reports are available at www.Foveal.com/Tour_de_Sol_Reports.html.
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Automatic Auditorium, AutoAuditorium and AutoAud
are trademarks of Telcordia Technologies used under license.
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